
Derita Penyakit Langka Tak Urungkan Wanita Ini Jadi Ibu Hebat

Memiliki kelainan kulit sejak lahir tidak mengurungkan niat seorang wanita di Amerika untuk memiliki anak., Jakarta Memiliki kelainan kulit sejak lahir tidak mengurungkan niat seorang wanita di Amerika untuk memiliki anak. Stephanie Turner (23) kini memiliki dua anak yang sehat dan bahagia.

Seperti dikutip Metro, Jumat (4/9/2015), Turner memiliki penyakit Harlequin ichthyosis, kondisi yang disebabkan oleh mutasi gen ABCA12. Hal ini menyebabkan kulitnya 10 kali lipat lebih tebal dari orang normal dan mudah retak serta rentan infeksi.

*** EXCLUSIVE - VIDEO AVAILABLE *** WYNNE, ARKANSAS - MARCH 2015: Harlequin sufferer Stephanie Turner examines her thick, cracked skin in a mirror on March 2015 in Wynne, Arkansas. on March 2015 in Wynne, Arkansas. A woman with a rare debilitating skin condition is the first Harlequin Ichthyosis sufferer to become a mother. Stephanie Turner from Wynne, Arkansas, USA, was born with the genetic condition, which causes her skin to be abnormally thick and severely cracked. The 23-year-old cannot grow much hair, her ears and eyelids are receding, and she is also highly susceptible to germs that would normally be blocked by the skinís outer barrier. But despite these trials, Stephanie has beaten the odds to become the first Harlequin patient to give birth. She is currently the oldest female with the condition in the USA, and has had to endure decades of hurtful comments about her unusual looks. Stephanie's story features in a new series of Body Bizarre on Thursday September 3, 9pm, on TLC. PHOTOGRAPH BY TLC / Barcroft Productions UK Office, London. T +44 845 370 2233 W USA Office, New York City. T +1 212 796 2458 W Indian Office, Delhi. T +91 11 4053 2429 W

Meskipun memiliki kekurangan, Turner tetap bersikeras melahirkan anak pertama Willy (2) dan anak keduanya, Olivia yang berusia empat bulan. Dan keduanya tidak mewarisi penyakit ibunya.

Kehamilan pada wanita dengan Harlequin ichthyosis sangat berbahaya, pasalnya peregangan perut dapat memperburuk kondisi mereka. "Saya tidak bisa menggambarkan perasaan ini saat tahu anak yang saya lahirkan sehat," katanya.

*** EXCLUSIVE - VIDEO AVAILABLE *** WYNNE, ARKANSAS - MARCH 2015: Harlequin sufferer Stephanie Turner with husband Curtis and children Willy, 2, and Olivia, 4-months on March 2015 in Wynne, Arkansas. A woman with a rare debilitating skin condition is the first Harlequin Ichthyosis sufferer to become a mother. Stephanie Turner from Wynne, Arkansas, USA, was born with the genetic condition, which causes her skin to be abnormally thick and severely cracked. The 23-year-old cannot grow much hair, her ears and eyelids are receding, and she is also highly susceptible to germs that would normally be blocked by the skinís outer barrier. But despite these trials, Stephanie has beaten the odds to become the first Harlequin patient to give birth. She is currently the oldest female with the condition in the USA, and has had to endure decades of hurtful comments about her unusual looks. Stephanie's story features in a new series of Body Bizarre on Thursday September 3, 9pm, on TLC. PHOTOGRAPH BY TLC / Barcroft Productions UK Office, London. T +44 845 370 2233 W USA Office, New York City. T +1 212 796 2458 W Indian Office, Delhi. T +91 11 4053 2429 W

Suaminya pun bangga, sebab baginya sang istri adalah ibu yang hebat. Dia dapat mengurus kedua anaknya dengan sangat baik. "Dia adalah supermom yang dapat melakukan segalanya."

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